
Virginia Bowen's Obituary

Below is Virginia Bowen's Obituary, as it will appear in the local newspaper in McMinnville, OR

       Lois Virginia (“Ginny”) Bowen was born August 13, 1923, in Santa Rosa, CA, the first child of L. Victor Bowen and Dr. Gwendolyn Thomas Bowen.  She died peacefully on October 9, 2013, at the age of 90 at the Hillside Retirement Community Skilled Nursing Facility.

       Ginny grew up in Santa Cruz, CA, where she graduated from high school.  Subsequently, in 1945 she graduated from Westmont College in Santa Barbara, CA, with a B.A. degree in a pre-medical major.  During the next five years she taught elementary school for two years (one in Kentucky under the Kentucky Mountain Mission and another in public school in Tulare County, CA), completed the Graduate Program at the Multnomah School of the Bible in Portland, OR, studied Japanese language at the University of California at Berkeley, and took the Summer Institute of Linguistics at the University of Oklahoma in 1950.

       In 1950 Ginny sailed to Japan as a Christian missionary under the Conservative Baptist Foreign Missionary Society.  This was in response to General Douglas MacArthur’s appeal for America to send 1,000 Christian missionaries to Japan.  Her first 17 years in Japan were spent in the northwest part of the main island of Honshu.  She first worked in the cities of Aomori and Sendai but then spent the next 13 years in the coastal city of Ishinomaki where she was part of a team engaged in church-planting.  During this time Lorraine Fleischman became her missionary co-worker and their association continued for the rest of her life. 

       In 1968 she and Lorraine were invited to move to the Tokyo/Yokohama area and join the staff of Japan’s Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship working with university students.  They continued in this effort until retirement.   In addition, during this time they formed Neighborhood Bible Studies of Japan.  One of Ginny’s gifts was ability with the Japanese language, which was applied to editing and publishing a series of Bible study guidebooks in Japanese for this organization.  Much of Ginny and Lorraine’s time was spent with people in their neighborhood.  As a result of this outreach, many turned to Jesus Christ and eventually formed their own church.

       In 1987 it seemed time to retire from their work in Japan and leave it in Japanese hands.  They first retired to Corvallis, OR, where they were able to continue much of their Bible study work.  Finally, in 1998, they moved to the Hillside Retirement Community in McMinnville, OR.

       Ginny was predeceased by her parents and her brother, Bruce.  She is survived by a nephew and two nieces plus her long-term missionary partner Lorraine Fleischman.  Ginny suffered a minor stroke about ten years ago and her health began a steady decline.  She entered heaven and Jesus’ presence on October 9, and her memorial service will be held at the Hillside Retirement Community in the Manor Activity Room on Saturday, October 26, at 2 p.m.

1 件のコメント:

  1. EMIKO KINOSHITA2013年10月13日 0:56


    高校1年の秋の文化祭の時にフライッシュマン先生が学校を訪問して下さったのです。千葉悦子さんというクラスメイトに誘われて、行ってみるとそこに浦島さんだとばかり勘違いしていたフライッシュマン先生が赤いリボンの白いドレスで立っておられました。初めてまじかに見るアメリカの方でした。そんな驚きの出会いがありました。当時の教会は、ボーエン先生と、フライッシュマン先生の2人の婦人宣教師が教会の先生で、岡本さんが2人の宣教師の方を支えておりました。石巻女子高の学生だった私は、通学定期を使っての教会通いが始まりました。毎週のようにあのサルコヤさんの街角に立ってトラクトを配ることも教わりました。またいつのことからか渡波の幼稚園を会場に日曜学校のお手伝いもさせて頂きました。公立高校でもクリスチャンの先輩の後を受けて、理科室での聖書研究会も継続させて頂きました♪        ボーエン先生と、フライッシュマン先生は、2人で協力しておぎあいながら素晴らしい宣教の働きをされていました。私も、日曜だけでなく、聖書の基礎の学びを毎週のように自宅に伺ってしていただきました。

    山梨県北杜市白州町の自宅にてボーエン先生を偲びつつ、 木下恵美子
